To spot (or not) to spot. We made brief mention of spot instances earlier, but the jury is actually mixed about whether spot instances are a good idea.
On the one hand, Opsani’s Sharif isn’t a fan of this type of “cloud-real estate arbitrage,” even if you’re planning to use it for an “ephemeral or experimental workload,” he says. “This type of back-and-forth to shave a few dollars here and there is not worth the hassle and the additional operational costs."
On the other hand, a Red Hat Continuous Kernel Integration (CKI) project team made a pretty good case for the use of spot instances to help cut their own continuous integration costs for kernel testing. Granted, getting to cost savings required a few extra learning cycles by the team.
The truth is probably somewhere in the middle: spot instances may work for certain workloads or use cases, especially for workloads flexible enough to handle disruption or being run at any time.